Project log¶
Instruction support¶
Data Transfer Instructions¶
LUI: Load Upper Immediate
AUIPC: Add Upper Immediate to PC
ADDI: Add Immediate
SLTI: Set Less Than Immediate (Signed)
SLTIU: Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned
XORI: Bitwise XOR Immediate
ORI: Bitwise OR Immediate
ANDI: Bitwise AND Immediate
Register-Register Arithmetic Instructions¶
ADD: Add
SUB: Subtract
SLL: Shift Left Logical
SLT: Set Less Than (Signed)
SLTU: Set Less Than Unsigned
XOR: Bitwise XOR
SRL: Shift Right Logical
SRA: Shift Right Arithmetic
OR: Bitwise OR
AND: Bitwise AND
Memory Access Instructions¶
LB: Load Byte (Signed)
LH: Load Halfword (Signed)
LW: Load Word
LBU: Load Byte Unsigned
LHU: Load Halfword Unsigned
SB: Store Byte
SH: Store Halfword
SW: Store Word
Control Transfer Instructions¶
BEQ: Branch Equal
BNE: Branch Not Equal
BLT: Branch Less Than (Signed)
BGE: Branch Greater Than or Equal (Signed)
BLTU: Branch Less Than Unsigned
BGEU: Branch Greater Than or Equal Unsigned
JAL: Jump and Link
JALR: Jump and Link Register
System Instructions¶
ECALL: Environment Call
EBREAK: Environment Breakpoint
turn instrmem and regfile into BRAM, memory maybe SPRAM
write a simple linker script
add pipeline stalls
rename pc_incr to pc
double sw hazard, extra pipeline?
if a clocked module requires the output of a previous stage, it should take it directly from that previous stage, not the pipeline register!