
I’ve written about how I got into ASIC work in my journal before. In a nutshell, it was very much accidentally. It wasn’t by accident, though, that from a young age I was interested in computers and how they work. I was the family IT kid, even though what I knew back then is vastly dwarfed by what I know now.

My years spent coding everything from physics simulations, to microcontrollers, to entire ticketing platforms had taught me about the limitations of the hardware I was working on but something still eluded me. It was only after I got an internship in chip design and took a university course in computer architecture, though, that the worlds of hardware and software came together for me. Armed with all this knowledge, I felt like I finally knew the entire stack from application to transistor (and that’s where it stops for me, because I’m not a physicist).

I followed an unusual path into digital design. Most tend to experiment on FPGAs and back up RTL with simulations, with very few ever getting to take part in real ASIC design as costs are prohibitive. Because I got a job at an fabless ASIC shop, interestingly, I was missing the exact opposite. Coming from the software world, the inflexibility of hardware is incredibly frustrating and more so are the arcane development practices in that sector. I needed a reason to get some FPGA experience and I wanted a challenge.

What better project to work on than a RISC-V core? Well, that was what I thought until I saw that everyone and their uncle had gotten to that challenge years ago[1]. While I’ve never looked at anyone else’s cores before finishing my own, the vulgarity of the RISC-V core meant that it fell short of the learning tool I wanted it to be. The upshot was that there was plenty of good material online, with help ranging from tooling, to environment setup, to microarchitecture.

A glaring similarity among many RISC-V projects out there was that few were ever able to “talk to” anything. In the real world, this is not how things work. CPU cores are just a piece of the puzzle that is known as the SoC (an important one, of course). Many of them were also not pipelined, nor did they account for any kind of hazards. So, this is where I set myself the challenge. It meant that I’d learn a little more about real chips, AMBA protocols like AHB and APB, and could be on my way to understanding modern superscalar CPUs.

My main goals with the project were to:

  1. to understand the role of each tool involved in a tapeout

  2. develop a deeper understanding of digital design, verification and compilers

  3. to understand the hardware stack from the bottom up: gates to kernel to userland software

  4. learn about RISC-V, computer architecture and ISAs

Along the way, I greatly refined my command of Neovim for documentation writing and code, which I’d been trying to pick up for forever.