To communicate with the outside world, a memory-mapped UART module was added to the system. It contains a receiver and a transmitter, both tested at baud rates of 115200, 19200 and 9600.
Receiver hardware¶
8 data bit
1 stop bit
parity bit supported
AHB data interface
The receiver uses an oversampling technique to estimate transmitted bits on the data line. In the absence of a clock line, detection of a start bit (0 value) followed by sampling of data at the middle of a bit’s transmission ensures accurate retrieval. A standard oversampling factor of 16 minimizes the error to 1/16 from the middle point.
A stop bit (1 value) indicates the end of a transfer and historically provided a crude method of data pacing for slower processors.
The parity bit is 0 when the popcount is odd. A simple scheme to generate this is to negate a reduction XOR operation.